It was decent movie..for the most part I like it... for how goofy it really was.
Growing up in the 90's I watched a lot of sci-fi films especially those that were made in the 80's...thanks to my Mom. There was something about the scenery in all of these types of films that was really amazing. I loved how several of them had that dirty/trashy scene from Repo Man that sticks out in my mind was when Emilio is walking on the side walk kicking the can, right before he encounters the first repo man who asks him to grab "his car." Well..that lot that Emilio passes is filled with junk piled up sky high...its just a perfect feeling. A lot of the sci-fi films had that awesome feeling with scenes of garbage...for instance Bladerunner...set in the future..but yet the city is repulsive, filled with trash. You don't see films like that anymore.
We discussed the aesthetic of pastiche. I had recognized it dealing with art, but I guess I didn't take it into consideration with film..or never really thought in depth about it. There are a lof the elements floating around in repo man...or different genres. We can see the obvious sci-fi, we catch a glimpse of teenage romance, cowboy/western elements..etc.
Something I thought was interesting was the supermarket. I loved how the boxes and cans either said "Drink" or "Food." The neatness of the supermarket reminded me a lot of the supermarket in Double everything was ...the same! For some reason it's almost really appealing just because of how neatly placed everything is..but then it starts to give you this strange unwanted feeling almost. The supermarket really clashed with the way the outside world was.
That scene where Emilio is at his house and his parents are sitting on the awkward did you feel ? I don't know...I felt pretty weird watching that scene for some reason..and his parents using his money for bibles...dude...that SUUUCKS !
I think the most disappointed thing from the film was the fact that I DIDN'T GET TO SEE THE ALIENS !! That's all I wanted ! Instead I see a car turn oozy green and fly away...great..
This is really nice to read. It's really relaxed and observant, but you also manage to make connections between your own viewing experience, with an eye trained in visual arts, and the postmodern elements.