I saw this movie a while back and the first time I watched it I was so blown away by it, and was just so ...in awe. Professor had said in the beginning of class right before she put the film on that this was a perfect 90's film, which is so true ! There is just so much to look at and so much to think about throughout the entire film. Again, with the pastiche...several different kinds of genres shown throughout.
The film does a really good job at making you feel uncomfortable...especially with the scenes of the T.V. show, I Love Mallory. I loved the fact that the Mom is the woman from Ferris Bueller's Day Off. The Father...SO CREEPY ! UGHH ! But...I guess my favorite part from that whole scenario is when Mallory sets her little brother free.
Speaking of creepy...how screwed up was that cop guy ?? Ew...really...what a scuz ball. Some one had mentioned in one of their blogs how they didn't like seeing someone being torchured, or held against their will..and that scene where Mickey is in the room with that random girl...i hate that scene...it's really kind of disturbing...
But the most interesting part of the film is the the idea that everyone adors Mickey and Mallory, they wanted to be them so bad !!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
Goddamn-dipshit-Rodriguez-gypsy-dildo-punks. I'll get your ass.
OKay..well seeings how my first Repo Man blog entry failed to showed up...this entry probably wont be as cool as the original..POO!

Alright..so...EMILIOOOOOOO !!!
It was decent movie..for the most part I like it... for how goofy it really was.
Growing up in the 90's I watched a lot of sci-fi films especially those that were made in the 80's...thanks to my Mom. There was something about the scenery in all of these types of films that was really amazing. I loved how several of them had that dirty/trashy feeling...one scene from Repo Man that sticks out in my mind was when Emilio is walking on the side walk kicking the can, right before he encounters the first repo man who asks him to grab "his car." Well..that lot that Emilio passes is filled with junk piled up sky high...its just a perfect feeling. A lot of the sci-fi films had that awesome feeling with scenes of garbage...for instance Bladerunner...set in the future..but yet the city is repulsive, filled with trash. You don't see films like that anymore.
We discussed the aesthetic of pastiche. I had recognized it dealing with art, but I guess I didn't take it into consideration with film..or never really thought in depth about it. There are a lof the elements floating around in repo man...or different genres. We can see the obvious sci-fi, we catch a glimpse of teenage romance, cowboy/western elements..etc.
Something I thought was interesting was the supermarket. I loved how the boxes and cans either said "Drink" or "Food." The neatness of the supermarket reminded me a lot of the supermarket in Double Indemnity...how everything was ...the same! For some reason it's almost really appealing just because of how neatly placed everything is..but then it starts to give you this strange unwanted feeling almost. The supermarket really clashed with the way the outside world was.
That scene where Emilio is at his house and his parents are sitting on the couch...how awkward did you feel ? I don't know...I felt pretty weird watching that scene for some reason..and his parents using his money for bibles...dude...that SUUUCKS !
I think the most disappointed thing from the film was the fact that I DIDN'T GET TO SEE THE ALIENS !! That's all I wanted ! Instead I see a car turn oozy green and fly away...great..
Alright..so...EMILIOOOOOOO !!!
It was decent movie..for the most part I like it... for how goofy it really was.
Growing up in the 90's I watched a lot of sci-fi films especially those that were made in the 80's...thanks to my Mom. There was something about the scenery in all of these types of films that was really amazing. I loved how several of them had that dirty/trashy feeling...one scene from Repo Man that sticks out in my mind was when Emilio is walking on the side walk kicking the can, right before he encounters the first repo man who asks him to grab "his car." Well..that lot that Emilio passes is filled with junk piled up sky high...its just a perfect feeling. A lot of the sci-fi films had that awesome feeling with scenes of garbage...for instance Bladerunner...set in the future..but yet the city is repulsive, filled with trash. You don't see films like that anymore.
We discussed the aesthetic of pastiche. I had recognized it dealing with art, but I guess I didn't take it into consideration with film..or never really thought in depth about it. There are a lof the elements floating around in repo man...or different genres. We can see the obvious sci-fi, we catch a glimpse of teenage romance, cowboy/western elements..etc.
Something I thought was interesting was the supermarket. I loved how the boxes and cans either said "Drink" or "Food." The neatness of the supermarket reminded me a lot of the supermarket in Double Indemnity...how everything was ...the same! For some reason it's almost really appealing just because of how neatly placed everything is..but then it starts to give you this strange unwanted feeling almost. The supermarket really clashed with the way the outside world was.
That scene where Emilio is at his house and his parents are sitting on the couch...how awkward did you feel ? I don't know...I felt pretty weird watching that scene for some reason..and his parents using his money for bibles...dude...that SUUUCKS !
I think the most disappointed thing from the film was the fact that I DIDN'T GET TO SEE THE ALIENS !! That's all I wanted ! Instead I see a car turn oozy green and fly away...great..
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Petey Wheatstrawwwwww
Giving birth to a watermelon...and...that doctor...what a total CREEP ! He loved it...total nut.
I don't think that image...or scene is going to ever leave my head...
I'm pretty positive on the fact that this is my first Blaxploitation film. Pretty goofy, bizarre, and pretty racist...ha...buuut, hilarious.
I don't really have much to say...although, seeings how I haven't seen any, I am incredibly curious as to what a new age blaxploitation film may look like. If anyone has any suggestions, that would be great.
I don't think that image...or scene is going to ever leave my head...
I'm pretty positive on the fact that this is my first Blaxploitation film. Pretty goofy, bizarre, and pretty racist...ha...buuut, hilarious.
I don't really have much to say...although, seeings how I haven't seen any, I am incredibly curious as to what a new age blaxploitation film may look like. If anyone has any suggestions, that would be great.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Clint Eastwood ? YES, PLEASE !
I had seen bits a pieces of this film a long time back, and so it was nice to finally watch it in its entirety. This film had my attention the whole time. There just didn't seem to be any slow parts. The film was able to grab (and keep) my attention with the spots of comedy that flowed in and out...the story line also had a pretty good consistent flow, there really wasn't at any point throughout the film where I had wished the pace to pick up.
The little guy. HILARIOUS. "I'm the new sheriff...I'm the new sheriff...and the mayor..."
Professor asked us to keep an eye out for the "rape" scene. I'm rather skeptical on how much of a rape scene it was....she ENJOYED IT. ...you're not supposed to enjoy RAPE...as far as I understand...BUT ..to be honest, I was expecting much worse...and it to NOT be Clint Eastwood doing the raping...weird. I think the worst part of it was the shot from her point of view where the camera angle upwards showing him buckling his pants back up...I thought that was just...awkward.. ALSO,..the fact that the townspeople where just so okay with it. For instance, Mordecai was standing there grinning and just loving it. WTF? Really ?? Another thing...the woman totally wanted Eastwood's attention, stomping and deliberatly plowing him in the shoulder.
Speaking of Mordecai...who couldn't stop thinking about Children of the Corn whenever her showed up, or when someone said his name ??
Something else I wanted to add about the film...the music...amazing.
Watch it -----> FINAL SHOWDOWN
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Watch out...for...the Queeeeen !
For the most part I really liked this movie. I had actually seen part of this movie before, but at the time I had no idea that this was the name of the film. The only part the I had seen was when Frank Sinatra was on the train talking with the woman.
Professor was right though...I will never watch Murder She Wrote the same ! What a creepy, evil part Angela Lansbury plays !! I must admit though, she does a really good job at it.
What was up with all of those Abraham Lincoln statues set up in the house ?? They were everywhere !!
The scene where the soldiers are being shown at the garden party...the shots back and forth from those scenes and the scenes where they are sitting with Dr. Yen who is explaining the brain washing process...or.."dry-cleaned" I think he says. This is just so over the top and kind of funny.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
" I wish it was your chili I was gettin' fat on. "
Loved it.
Charlton Heston. Hilarious!
I pulled up this video of the Trailer.
take a look.
Anyways. I did really like this movie. As far as I know it was my first time seeing an Orson Welles film. I really liked the opening shot and how long it was. There was something about it that was really eerie...I was sitting just waiting for the car to blow up. Now?...how about...now?? Then...finally.
For some reason I really liked the scene where Welles' character went to the bar where Joanna Moore is. I don't know...there's something about that scene that was interesting...I don't know if it was the joke with the whole "lay off the candy bars" thing..or if it was the strange...intriguing interaction between her and him...as if they had a past.
The scene where the wife is in that motel with the gang of guys is just plain weird..maybe not weird but...creepy and scary ?
And that obnoxious guy who couldn't stop his finger snapping and giggling around...he was just soooo into those tunes. .. Buuuuut...the part where the guys take the wife out of the room...yeah it was rather disturbing...not as disturbing as it could have been but still..
I remember in the beginning of the reading from "Lemme stay, I want to watch," it talked about the idea of fear and anxiety and then desire / fantasy. You get all of this with this film...and it really is like playing a game of tug-o-war. When watching I enjoyed it but then if you stepped back for a little bit it was easy to feel a little stressed by what was going on. For instance when I spoke earlier about the scene where the gang barges in on the wife in the motel room and takes her. Rather scary! Then, the scene where Welles and the Mexican was standing in the room with the wife in the bed...the camera angles and the shadows/ darkness of the room , then the light coming in and out from the street was just soooo cool and sooo eerie they really did a great job with this scene. You really get the sense of anxiety and I feel in a strange way you also get a sense of maybe desire and fantasy with this scene.
Charlton Heston. Hilarious!
I pulled up this video of the Trailer.
take a look.
For some reason I really liked the scene where Welles' character went to the bar where Joanna Moore is. I don't know...there's something about that scene that was interesting...I don't know if it was the joke with the whole "lay off the candy bars" thing..or if it was the strange...intriguing interaction between her and him...as if they had a past.
The scene where the wife is in that motel with the gang of guys is just plain weird..maybe not weird but...creepy and scary ?
And that obnoxious guy who couldn't stop his finger snapping and giggling around...he was just soooo into those tunes. .. Buuuuut...the part where the guys take the wife out of the room...yeah it was rather disturbing...not as disturbing as it could have been but still..
I remember in the beginning of the reading from "Lemme stay, I want to watch," it talked about the idea of fear and anxiety and then desire / fantasy. You get all of this with this film...and it really is like playing a game of tug-o-war. When watching I enjoyed it but then if you stepped back for a little bit it was easy to feel a little stressed by what was going on. For instance when I spoke earlier about the scene where the gang barges in on the wife in the motel room and takes her. Rather scary! Then, the scene where Welles and the Mexican was standing in the room with the wife in the bed...the camera angles and the shadows/ darkness of the room , then the light coming in and out from the street was just soooo cool and sooo eerie they really did a great job with this scene. You really get the sense of anxiety and I feel in a strange way you also get a sense of maybe desire and fantasy with this scene.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Blackboard Juuungle...
To be honest with you...the film didn't impress me what so ever. As sad and cruel as this may sound the only entertaining part of the film was the almost rape scene where Dadier breaks the glass in the door and runs in to the rescue and clobbers the kid who is doing the grabby grabby. What's up with the kid's face ??? I didn't think he got that messed up. When discussing this scene in class a lot of people had mentioned the woman to be a little too riskay..but I don't know...she didn't really dress the part..I mean, she was in a dress that went either to or just past her knees and that buttoned up to her neck...Although she was a little flirtatious, like when we say her and Dadier near the end of the film at the practice. Weird.
Right from the start I wasn't too keen on Dadier...in fact I didn't like his character at all. But again...I'm really not much of a fan of these type of "feel good" films...they bore me quickly...althouuugghhh...that one film where Antonio Banderas came to the school and they all danced and what not...I found that to be rather entertaining...Hah !
The relationship between Dadier and his wife was just so incredibly awkward...for them and the viewer I think. The pressure he puts on her with the baby is just plain ridiculous...
Why didn't his wife come out and ask Dadier about the letters ? I wanted her to confront him about it in the worst kind of way..Maybe because she didn't want to believe that he would do such a thing ?
I will say that my favorite character was the one older teacher...the one that kept looking at the woman teacher...I don't remember her name..the one that came on to Dadier. That whole thing with the male teachers cheacking her out...I don't know..just hilarious I guess.
I want to point out this picture I saw...why is the main image of the woman in the library during that almost rape scene??? Out of every picture or image they could have put up...they put that one..haha.
The relationship between Dadier and his wife was just so incredibly awkward...for them and the viewer I think. The pressure he puts on her with the baby is just plain ridiculous...
Why didn't his wife come out and ask Dadier about the letters ? I wanted her to confront him about it in the worst kind of way..Maybe because she didn't want to believe that he would do such a thing ?
I will say that my favorite character was the one older teacher...the one that kept looking at the woman teacher...I don't remember her name..the one that came on to Dadier. That whole thing with the male teachers cheacking her out...I don't know..just hilarious I guess.
I want to point out this picture I saw...why is the main image of the woman in the library during that almost rape scene??? Out of every picture or image they could have put up...they put that one..haha.
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